My Curly Hair Journey

Nov 21, 2020

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My curly hair journey started with countless “where did she get those curls” comments. Honestly, my 3rd daughter came into this world with a ton of hair that turned into those precious crazy ringlets as she got older. Much like mine when I was little, though to be honest, at this point in my adult life I just assumed I grew out of them. I typically wore it straight or curled with an iron to tame the frizz. So whenever I was anywhere in public with my daughter, they assumed she got her curls from someone else.

My mom as well had super thick, wavy curly hair and spent her youth and adulthood just unable to manage it. So by the time I was born, she sported a pixie cut because she was a nurse and generally just didn’t want to deal with taming it. And to this day, I’ve never seen my mom’s hair longer than her chin.

Learning to Tame the Mane

Since my mom never learned how to properly care for and tame curls, I didn’t growing up either. I spent my youth like many other curly haired frizz balls, just taming the beast. What I called my crazy wave, because at that point, my ringlets were gone. Curling and flat irons, hot rollers, and yes even perms. I got my last one shortly after my husband and I got married and he made me PROMISE never to do it again. Plus, after having my last baby and deciding to color my hair all sorts of vibrant tones… my hair was a damaged, processed mess.

Throw into the fact that a few years prior I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. Which a classic side effect is brittle, dry hair. After the 1000th “where did she get those curls” comments… I was just done. My curly hair journey started there.

How I started my curly hair journey

Three years ago, I watched beauty influencers, and researched how to get your hair healthy – curly and wavy hair specifically. There are so many product recommendations, and techniques that I NEVER knew about. I realized, maybe if I just got it healthy again – my natural curls might make a comeback.

What you want to look for in products for curly hair

As I learned through research, a key point in any curly hair journey is choosing products. Natural, silicone & paraben free are best for the health of your hair. When looking for what worked best, I was introduced to Monat haircare. Naturally based, non-toxic products that could actually help reverse the signs of damage and aging in hair. Was I skeptical? Abso-freakin-lutely… but I also knew I needed to ditch my old drugstore stuff filled with toxins and fillers, and these hit the mark. That was step one.

I figured, why not try? Several people I knew (influencers and friends alike) were seeing great results and I trusted them, I knew they wouldn’t promote something that they didn’t really use or were impressed with. So I decided to give them a real shot since I watched their journey to healthy hair. In a sea of products, and so many great ones available… first hand experience from people I knew helped me make that choice. Plus, all the natural products I tried up to that point, weren’t working for me at all.

Your curly girl techniques can be the game changer

Step two was techniques. I stopped processing my hair in any way. No coloring, no keratin treatments, nothing. I didn’t heat style for 6 solid months. I tried plopping, which was a game changer. Getting a good quality diffuser and learning how to use it and apply products properly made a big difference. Key pro tip: ALWAYS apply your styling products in soaking wet hair before plopping or drying.

Patience and consistency pays off

After a couple of months of using strictly Monat products, along with these curly girl method techniques, I started to see massive improvement. Over time it got better and better, and I was so impressed with my experience with the products, I decided to partner with this brand and become an ambassador. Today, my hair is as healthy as it’s ever been and my curls prove it. I absolutely love helping others get their confidence back, and educating them on the science behind what makes these products unique, and how to use them.

If you have questions about how to tame your curly hair, and get your natural confidence back, hit me up, or feel free to request to join my FB group here for lots of personal info and tips. I’d love to chat!

Image of curly haired woman
Progress images for a curly hair journey. Curly transition seen over time.



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